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On the fourth day of Navratri we pray to Maa Kushmanda and she removes all obstacles from the lives of her devotees. She rides a lion and because of which her devotees are fearless like her. So on this day without any fear lets have some chatkara of healthy tasty and delicious recipe of dum aloo

3rd day of Navratri, devotees pray to Maa Chandraganta to eradicates all negative energy from the lives. All the sins, ghostly tribulations, anything that is negative, their depression, their mental anxiety, tribulations and troubles are all wiped out. So, enjoy this day with sweet, Singhara peetha

On the second day of Navratri, we pray to Maa Bhramacharini to give us so much strength that we can be completely focused on penance towards God, what we love and towards sacrifice and solitude. So, Enjoy the day with some new taste and try singhara khandvi which is healthy, tasty and easy to cook.

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